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Reset Citrix Workspace App
To reset your Citrix Workspace App, navigate to the hidden icons ^ at the bottom right of your main monitor, right click on the Citrix icon, and choose Advanced Preferences. Then choose Reset Citrix Workspace App.
Re-link FOS and FM accounts
A mobile user may receive the below error: Issue while syncing FOS calendar. We cannot seem to understand the data from your FOS server. Check your FOS host url and make sure its correct, also make sure your device can reach an internet web page e.g. ...
FOS Password Reset
A FOS User may utilize the Forgot Password button on the FOS login screen to reset their own FOS Password. To use this, an email address will need to first be entered in the FOS User Profile > Fgt Pwd Email field. On the FOS Login page, choose Forgot ...
Accessing the SFTP Site
You will need to setup access to the SFTP site. You can use any program you prefer, we suggest FileZilla as it is free. You can download direct from the vendor. 1. To add the new SFTP site address, select File --> "Site Manager" 2. Select "New Site. ...
FOS Resolution - High DPI Settings
Check the following if your FOS resolution is off or have font clarity or sizing issues. Changes will require a new connection to Citrix so it is best to ensure you are logged out of FOS and Citrix before proceeding. 1. On the main monitor, click the ...